Thursday, November 8, 2012

This joke is so bad it's good... I know it's offensive but I couldn't resist reposting it, so forgive me. My son was 'read' a shidduch from The Five Towns, but he doesn't want to go out with someone from a broken home. OUCH!!!
NOREASTER JOKES: Mayor Bloomberg decided not to send the salt trucks to SeaGate. He doesn't want to pour salt on their wounds...
Seen on Nachum Segal's Facebook wall on Sunday: Is there gas available in Williamsburg? Reply: Of course - there's plenty of chulent.
Overheard on Facebook on Motzei Shabbos: Anyone need gas? My husband seems to have plenty...
Husband: Ugh, I'm gassy. Wife: That explains the gas shortage! You've been hoarding!
Courtesy of Mordechai Schmutter: Help! I told the guys in shul I was feelng gassy, and now i have a long line of cars and people with jerry cans behind me!
Time for some post Sandy jokes, don't you think? Here goes: 1985 Buick station wagon for sale. On its last legs. Has full tank of gas.